What I read online #10
This week: Silicon Valley vs media, data on police & racial bias, mindfulness economy, data professionals guide, predictive models and more
One part, online bookmarking. One part, social sharing, And one part, personal experiment. Every week I publish a list of up to 10 interesting articles I read online the week before.
This week:
Slate Star Codex and Silicon Valley's War Against the Media
How a controversial rationalist blogger became a mascot and martyr in a struggle against the New York Times. On June…www.newyorker.com
What the Data Really Says About Police and Racial Bias
10. A 2011 investigation by the Justice Department found that the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, headed by Joe…www.vanityfair.com
How and Why Computers Roll Loaded Dice - Abstractions on Nautilus
Here's a deceptively simple exercise: Come up with a random phone number. Seven digits in a sequence, chosen so that…abstractions.nautil.us
Opinion | The Hidden Price of Mindfulness Inc.
News Analysis THE other morning, I woke up and brewed a cup of Mindful Lotus tea ($6 for 20 bags). On the subway, I…www.nytimes.com
Pride Flags 101: Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Gay, Trans, and Other Pride Flags
It seems like every year, there are more striped flags than ever before to represent every single group celebrating…www.them.us
Aito.ai - Could predictive database queries replace machine learning models?
One of the greatest trends in today's technology is the democratization of machine learning. Because the …aito.ai
Most lucrative country to work in as a Data Professional
Why understanding standard error is critical to avoid making career-defining errorstowardsdatascience.com
Even the Best AI Models Are No Match for the Coronavirus
The stock market appears strangely indifferent to Covid-19 these days, but that wasn't true in March, as the scale and…www.wired.com
'Jaw-dropping' world fertility rate crash expected
The world is ill-prepared for the global crash in children being born which is set to have a "jaw-dropping" impact on…www.bbc.co.uk
Boat-in movie theatre docking in NYC this summer
Movie theatres are taking to the high seas. Water-borne movie screenings are coming to New York this summer, offering a…nypost.com
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