What I read online #14
DC Comics, LGBTQ+ Pride, VR Fitness, Fitness Wearables, Python, Data Science, Digital Transformation, Workshop Facilitation, Password Manager, Deep Fakes, Racism, Dr Seuss
DC Comics announces Pride anthology to celebrate its LGBTQ characters
DC Comics has announced DC Pride, an 80-page anthology comic featuring LGBTQIA+ characters from across the DC Universe, will publish on June 8. DC will also publish a series of nine Pride-themed variant covers in June, showcasing DC’s top characters as realized by the comic book industry’s leading artists. Stay tuned for more Pride announcements from DC between now and June! #DCPride
It’s no gym but VR fitness made sweating fun again
You love online gaming and recently you also bought that fancy VR headset. Then, forget about the other working-out-at-home options and start VR-exercising at home, the VR fitness industry is here and is thriving. No more excuses.
Analyse your health with Python and Apple Health
Fitness wearables are undoubtfully on the rise. I love Myzone MZ-3 for helping me monitoring my workouts. MyZone and our digital scale at home, share info with Apple’s Health on my iPhone. If you are like me and you are interested in learning data science using your own data, then check this article on how to analyse your health with Python & Apple Health data.
European digital infrastructure and data sovereignty
The EU wants more digital sovereignty, build “secure and substantial” domestic digital infrastructure, less dependency on others for key technologies such as cloud and AI and drive “digital transformation” of businesses, including ditching dinosaur databases and upgrading tech stacks. The initiative was part of Germany’s EU presidency 2020 and the Europeans seem to be taking this pretty seriously (check the reports here and here).
Lightning Decision Jam: A Workshop to Solve Any Problem
I came across Lighting Decision Jam for the first time last week, while browsing for Miro templates. Lighting Decision Jam or LDJ is “a workshop exercise that you can use for ALMOST ANYTHING involving getting a few people in a room to define and solve challenges”. That was enough for me to get hooked and check it out more - maybe you should do the same.
How to Export Your Passwords From LastPass
Now that so many people are working from home, outside the office intranet, the number of passwords you need may also have significantly increased. This has led to the need for password managers like LastPass, which offer secure vaults that can stand in for our faulty, overworked memories. But starting March 16, LastPass will no longer allow the app use on both their phone and laptop for free users. If you are a LastPass user, not planning to upgrade to a paying subscription and think of moving to another solution, then check this article on how to export your passwords.
Mom allegedly uses deep fakes to frame the daughter’s cheerleading rivals
I love some high-school drama, especially if it involves cheerleaders, and - unless no one is hurt, I usually find it entertaining. Cheerleading is a highly competitive sport but allegedly one mother took high-school-cheerleader-drama to a totally different level.
How Dr Seuss responded to critics who called out his racism
I will be honest - I grew up with Aesop fables, Greek mythology, and later Jules Bern, Alexandre Dumas et al. Basically I had no idea who Dr Seuss is and only have some vague and scattered references of his illustration/cartoon work. But after last week news of discontinuing publication and licensing of 6 of his books for “hurtful and wrong” portray of people, I can tell Dr Seuss was and remains very important for lots of people. No matter where you stand in this debate, this article describes how he responded to critics who called out his racism in the past, and IMHO how even people with the best intentions, can still do wrong.